OMG Twilight!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

vote for fred in the elections

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Quit yelling please,
I'm going deaf
Quit hurting me,
And leading my death
Yes it's true,
I took the pills,
I slit my wrists,
does it show?
I drank the brandy
To make the blood flowI watched it fall
That night I lost it allI gained something too
More pain,
Especially shame.
I basically got high,
I basically got drunk,
I nearly bled to death
I would have died that night,
If only my hands didn't hurt so much,
I could have tied the rope.
So I set it down,
Thinking I would bleed to death,
The crimson red
Pouring to the floor
As I was dieing
,I thought
I deserved more pain,
So in my last seconds,
I sliced into my leg
I must have been bad
Done something wrong,
For you to hate me
All along.
I was shaking so bad,
Until I remembered
I forgot about my friends.
I quickly sat down
And wrote them each notes,
Telling them
I loved them.
And thank them for being there
Paper was covered in tears,
and lots of bloodI hope they get i
tMy parents never understood
I signed it sincerly,
Your dead best friend
Don't be sad
You were with me to the end
I tried to put it in an envelope
But my vision was too blury,
I thought about my parents
And threw up with fury
If I'm just so worthless
And I'm just a pain
After my death
You'll be to blame
You never loved me,
You never cared
After you read this
You'll just tell my friends I was too scared
All the memories coming back,
Of all the screaming,
To a pointless end
Each memory calls for another pill
A few more slices
The knife goes deep this time
I drink more brandy
I honestly can't take living anymore.
Always wanting to know whats wrong
The truth isI felt so unloved,
No one loves me.
No one cares
I'm laying on the floor
Waiting for my mistakes to kill me
I'm crying so hard
I can't be human
I can't be real
I want to die so bad,
Mental beating after mental beating.
Nobody even cared enough to notice
That I stoped eating
I can't keep anything down,
It all comes back up.
I'm such a waste of air
A waste of life,
My living is just a waste of death
I can't sleep
I took the pills
I drank the brandy
I slit my wrists,
It's a shame this is the end
Your dead best friend.
Created by jamiejamiez on quizilla, to see more poems and stuff by her go to

[b]You Are Fairly Skeptical[/b]


You're not the type of person who will fall for anything...
But you do keep your mind open to all sorts of possibilities.
You figure that anything could be true. After all, the world is a strange place.
However, you're going to need some convincing before you can believe in aliens or reincarnation!

[url=]How Skeptical Are You?[/url]


You Sometimes Don't Get Enough Sleep

You're often more tired than you'd like, and you're probably not getting enough quality sleep.

Sleeping a little more could make you a lot more energetic and happy.

Try having a bedtime, keep your bedroom cool, and only eat fruit before bed.


You Are Destined to Rule the World

You have the makings of a very evil dictator...

Which is both kind of cool and kind of scary!

Will you rule the world? Maybe. Maybe not.

But at least you know that you could.


You Are a Cat

You are very independent and reclusive. No one really understands you, and you like it that way!

You are quite clever and ingenious. You can get yourself out of any sticky situation.

You are confident and cool tempered. You know you have many advantages and resources to draw from.

No matter what life throws at you, things always seem to work out your way.

That's kinda awkward, I'm allergic to cats...uuuuughhhhhhhhhhh!

You Are Cupid

A total romantic, you're always crushing on a new reindeer.

Why You're Naughty: You've caused so much drama, all the reindeers aren't speaking to each other.

Why You're Nice: You have a knack for playing matchmaker. You even hooked Rudolph up!


You Act Like You Are 20 Years Old

You are a twenty-something at heart. You feel like an adult, and you're optimistic about life.

You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

You're still figuring out your place in the world and how you want your life to shape up.

The world is full of possibilities, and you can't wait to explore many of them.


You Are 36% Girly

You are a pretty hardcore tomboy, and a very free spirit.

Gender roles be dammed, you like to do things your way.

Your Personality Profile

You are elegant, withdrawn, and brilliant.

Your mind is a weapon, able to solve any puzzle.

You are also great at poking holes in arguments and common beliefs.

For you, comfort and calm are very important.

You tend to thrive on your own and shrug off most affection.

You prefer to protect your emotions and stay strong.


There's a 45% Chance That You Need Therapy

If you think you need therapy, you probably do. But there's a good chance you don't.

Like everyone else, you have your fair share of problems. And unlike most people, you're fairly good at solving them yourself.


Your Japanese Name Is...

Cho Matsumoto


You Are an Alien

You're so strange, people occasionally wonder if you're from another world.

You don't try to be different, but you see most things from a very unique, very offbeat perspective.

Brilliant to the point of genius, you definitely have some advanced intelligence going on.

No matter what circles you travel in, you always feel like a stranger. And it's a feeling you've learned to like.

Your greatest power: Your superhuman brain

Your greatest weakness: Your lack of empathy - you just don't get humans

You play well with: Zombies


You Are a Grilled Cheese Sandwich

You are a traditional person with very simple tastes.

In your opinion, the best things in life are free, easy, and fun.

You totally go with the flow. And you enjoy every minute of it!

Your best friend: The Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

Your mortal enemy: The Ham Sandwich

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

OMG so much stuff!

So like 3 days ago my friend Bridgette and I were chatting on aim, and i happen to be really bored, she was like do you want to see a a funny/creepy video? And i was like sure bring it on. I got nothing to do right now.

And so here it is...dun dun dun

Doesn't this make you feel violated. But don't you realized is that your eyes get bigger with the lemur. *shudders* , I swear that this had sacred me 4 life.

But then I came across this vidoe of a panda. Since the panda is the cutess little thing ever I had to see it. There is a baby panda and a big panda and the baby panda let out a super sonic sneeze. It was so adorable. And if you care enough to watch it here it is!Anywho check out this cool Fall out boy videos!

what teachers make

yEA SO WE KIDS DON'T ALWAYS LIKE OUR TEACHERS RIGHT? We don't have to nobodys tells us we have to, so what they're not our mommas, they don't own us. So they can't say crap. Right? right!

But what we don't realize is the effort they put to make us better people, so i went on youtubbe and i found this really cool person/teachers, so please watch it and tell the world what you think! ROCK ON DUDE!