OMG Twilight!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Have you ever stop to think "How stupid does this make me look?" or Do you ever stop and think about the fact that we're all hurtling through space at an incredible speed on this big old planet and we don't feel a thing? or "why am i on this stupid site? Or am i real or just apart of some weird TV show thingy where people dream of us getting married with numerous people, and draw fan art of us and make videos on Youtube about us. Or that maybe we have hidden cameras in public bathrooms that some weird pervert put and recorded and did some sick joke that we don't know about, then put it on Youtube? For the whole world to see?

Aw the things we don't know...people are really, really cruel!!

Anywho i was on youtube and i came across this trailer for the city of fred? Anyway stay in tune for the city of fred...MUHAHAHAHA

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